Stand Up For What Is Right Even If Everyone Else Thinks It's Wrong
Letter to the Reader
Dear Reader,
The theme I chose for the book, Unwind, is to stand up for what is right even if everyone else thinks it's wrong or are too afraid to admit they're wrong. This theme is an important thing to learn in life. Most people develop beliefs based on friends or society. I believe everyone should have their own mindset and beliefs on different issues based on what they think themselves instead of what other's think. Also, the main reason that it is typical for people to be influenced by others is the fact that they are afraid that if they don't agree with others people won't be widely accepting of them. Standing up for what you believe in is especially important for teenagers to learn because they are often influenced by peer pressure. If a teenager does not do what everyone else is doing they may be picked on and become an outcast. I think it is very important to stick with what you've always thought deep down because if you don't, you may have many regrets and not like what you've become. In the book, Unwind, this theme is applied throughout. The three kids in the book are chosen to be unwound or taken apart piece by piece for other people's benefit. At the beginning they all just go with the flow, but once they become "Unwinds" they fight against the law and would rather die than be unwound. I hope that this blog may influence you as a reader to stick with your beliefs even if no one else agrees.
Shelly Southard
“The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right.” ~William Safire
Lev's Letter
Dear Pastor Dan, At first, I was really confused. You taught me my whole life that I was a tithe and that I was meant to be Unwound from the day I was born. My parents had told me it was God's choice for me to be sacrificed and you stuck by them. Then, the other day, you told me to run when the boy pulled me out of the car. I just thought you meant run from the boy but today you were telling me on the phone how I should keep away from my home. You said it might have been God's doing and that he pulled me away for a reason, maybe after all I wasn't meant to be unwound. So now, as I'm writing this letter, the two kids that kidnapped me (potentially saved my life) are in danger because I tried to turn them in to the Juvey-Cops? I'm lost and alone and I don't know what to do. After I realized what you really meant when you were talking to me on the phone, I thought about everything you said and I decided I am going run for as long as possible like you want me to. All my life I've been brainwashed into believing that being a tithe was an honor, when in reality I never got to really think about what I wanted for myself. Now that I've thought about it, I can't even fathom the idea of being unwound. Why would anyone be okay with others being unwound let alone being unwound themselves? I will continue to search for Connor and Risa because they are the reason I am even still alive and able to change my view on things. When I find them, I am determined to get away from these delusional people and hopefully find a place where unwinding doesn't exist.
With Love,
With Love,
“To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” ~William Shakespeare
Interview With Connor
Interviewer: What did you think about unwinding when you were a kid?Connor: I didn't think much of it, because it didn't affect me at all really.
Interviewer: What about Unwinds?
Connor: I didn't see them the way society saw them, which was as animals and not humans. While I didn't pick on them, I can't act like a saint because I just went with the flow and didn't do anything to help them either.
Interviewer: When you found out your parents had chosen to unwind you, what were your first thoughts?
Connor: I was in disbelief, like why would my parents do that? I just wanted to run forever and never look back. Abandon my parents like they abandon me, but I'm sure they wouldn't care anyways.
Interviewer: How did you feel when Ariana told you she wouldn't run away?
Connor: Betrayed. I felt my last hope was crushed, and I was almost more mad at her than my parents for signing the papers. She told me she wanted to go but just turned her back. But now, after everything I can't blame her for not going because she had her whole life ahead of her. Now that I have Risa, it's like Ariana was never there because Risa really understands me and when we first met I knew she was just a persistent and determined person which attracted me to her at first sight.
Interviewer: Explain what you and Risa do for Unwinds today.
Connor: We provide a sanctuary for Unwinds that have run away. We are the piece of hope they are looking for and we won't stop until unwinding is gone forever.
Interviewer: Are you ever afraid the police will shut you down?
Connor: No, because first off they are too lazy to in the first place. If they tried to, I am confident the Unwinds, Risa, Hayden, and I would be able to stand our ground and take them down ourselves.
Interviewer: If you could say anything to Lev, what would you say?
Connor: That I miss him, i missed him even when I hated him for turning us in. I can't thank him enough for saving our lives by endangering his. He was raised brainwashed into believing unwinding was okay for sacrifice and he really grew up and developed his own beliefs. He defied everyone's beliefs that he was weak and really stood by what he believed and was willing to die for the survival of all the Undwinds. So, thank you Lev for everything.
Interviewer: Final words?
Connor: Everyone of the U.S. needs to open their eyes to what unwinding really is and how wrong it is. Please, join Risa, Hayden, Lev, and I and unite against unwinding once and for all!
“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.” ~Chester W. Nimitz
Police Report
Akron Police Department
Suspect #1:
Name: Connor Lassiter Eye Color: Green
Age: 16 Hair Color: Brown
Residence: 386 Ridgeway Dr. Akron, OH Height: 5’7”
Status: Unwind Weight: 150
Charges: Kidnapping, 3rd Degree Murder, Disobedience of Officer, Escaping Juvey-Cops, Unauthorized use of a TranquilizerName: Connor Lassiter Eye Color: Green
Age: 16 Hair Color: Brown
Residence: 386 Ridgeway Dr. Akron, OH Height: 5’7”
Status: Unwind Weight: 150
Suspect #2:
Name: Risa Megan Ward Eye Color: Blue
Age: 15 Hair Color: Dark Brown
Residence: State Home Orphanage, Akron, OH Height: 5’5”
Status: Unwind Weight: 130
Charges: Assisted Kidnapping, Escaping Juvey-Cops
Name: Levi Jedediah Calder Eye Color: Blue
Age: 13 Hair Color: Blonde
Residence: 549 Riverside Ave. Akron, OH Height: 5’4”
Status: Tithe Weight: 125
Details: Connor Lassiter was spotted in the back of a semi-truck this morning. He was scheduled to be taken to Harvest Camp today and when police saw him, he took a run for it. Connor then ran onto the highway causing chaos on the road. He then deliberately pulled Levi out of the back of his dad’s car. Levi was on his way to being tithed. Connor ran into the woods, escaping from the police, with Levi. While running, Connor picked up a girl, Risa, who had just gotten out of a bus that had crashed because of him. The driver of that bus, was found dead at the scene. In the woods, Connor, Risa, and Levi proceeded to run and eventually escaped the last of the police. The last time they were spotted was about two hours after everything occurred when an officer ventured into the woods and found them, but was shot by Connor with his own tranquilizer. Since then, information on their whereabouts is pending.
“Stand up for what you believe in, even if you’re standing alone.” ~ Unknown
Wanted Poster
Connor Lassiter Risa Ward
What: Connor and Risa kidnapped a 13 year-old tithe by the name of Levi, disobeyed officers, and escaped the Juvey-Cops
When: Morning of November 16th, 2096
Where: Akron, OH
Why: To escape from being unwound
*If you have any info on the whereabouts of Connor, Risa, or Levi please contact the Juvey-Cops at (643)478-7285. There will be a $5,000 reward for disclosing this information.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss
Each of these posts has a recurring them of standing up for what you believe in. Lev's letter to Pastor Dan is displaying that after finding out the truth about his tithing, he is willing to fight for what he truly believes. He describes to Pastor Dan about how his perspective on his whole life has changed and he now can develop his own thoughts and opinions on unwinding. Next, in Connor's interview he explains why he did what he did and how it doesn't matter what other people think, in the end it only matters what you think. The police report describes everything that Connor and Risa did to get away and it shows that they would put themselves in grave danger rather than be unwound. Finally, the wanted poster shows that police are looking for these fugitives, while Connor, Risa, and Lev continue to hide and not get caught. Overall, I really enjoyed doing this project because it was on a book that I chose myself and it was a book that I really loved. I think I definitely preferred this project over a test because it was actually fun and not too much work.Works Cited
"Quotes and Sayings about Integrity, Behavior, Character, Principle, Honor." The Quote Garden. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. <>.
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